March 31, 2010

The Best Reasons for Quitting Smoking

Are you considering quitting smoking? If so, congratulations! That is probably one of the best things you can do for your health and the health of those around you. Smoking is also expensive, makes your clothes and everything you own smell terrible, and is by most people considered to be a real turn-off. You may very well be aware of these things and may have your own reasons for quitting smoking, but in case you still need some motivation, let’s consider a few other reasons why you should quit.

For one thing, by quitting smoking you are saving yourself literally thousands of dollars over the course of your life. As a matter of fact, what a person spends on cigarettes is about the same amount that many financial advisors recommend someone put away toward their retirement plans! One cigarette might not be expensive itself but of course most people smoke at least a half a pack a day, if not more. By quitting smoking, you could take that same money and spend it paying down your mortgage or putting it toward your car payment, or could put it in a savings account that earns interest so that you’re not just saving money but are getting more in return as well!

Of course, quitting smoking means more than just saving money – it also means saving your health. While many people connect lung cancer with smoking, there are many more health risks involved. Doctors connect all sorts of cancers to smoking, as well as heart disease, increased risk of stroke, heart attacks, elevated blood pressure, and many others. By quitting smoking a person actually prolongs their own life and greatly decreases the risks they face from some of the most serious threats to their health. The body can repair and rebuild much of the damaged lung tissue that comes from smoking, but of course the sooner you quit the better it is! Because nicotine is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and from there travels to every part of the body, every cell is affected by cigarette smoke. By quitting smoking you’re protecting your circulatory system, respiratory system, and every other part of your body as well.

You might have your own reasons for quitting smoking and it may help to actually write them down and keep that list handy when you’re tempted to light up again. If you have a relative that has died due to complications from smoking, think about them often and consider the ones they’ve left behind. Think of how you’ll benefit your own children and family by quitting smoking. Not only is your health important to them, but if you were to save some money by quitting you could use that to pad your child’s college fund or to provide for them in whatever other way is necessary. There are many reasons to quit, and no reason whatsoever to keep smoking! So keep these things in mind and be determined to never quit quitting.

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