April 1, 2010

What Are Your Reasons to Quit Smoking?

Do you have reasons to quit smoking? Of course you do; even if you haven’t actually written out a list, chances are you have a little nagging voice in the back of your head telling you why smoking is bad for you and how much it costs you and your family. Or you may have seen the bad effects of smoking revealing themselves to someone else you know that smokes. That person may be very sick because of the habit. Whatever your reasons to quit smoking, let’s cover a few here so that you can give it some serious consideration.

The health reasons to quit smoking are too numerous to even list. Many connect lung cancer with smoking but did you know that smoking is associated with virtually every form of cancer there is? Nicotine gets absorbed into the bloodstream and from there travels to every cell of the body, meaning that it can cause cancer anywhere and everywhere on the body. Those cancers include cancer of the bladder, throat, larynx, kidneys, liver, cervix, and mouth. If these were not enough reasons to quit smoking, consider the other health problems above and beyond cancer. These include emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia, heart attack, heart disease, stroke, vascular disease, elevated blood pressure, and aneurism, just to name a few. These health concerns are not to be taken lightly! It’s noteworthy how often a smoker will think that this can never happen to them, and yet they are putting their health and their own lives at great risk with each cigarette. But there are other reasons to quit smoking!

One of those reasons is the financial cost of cigarettes. Someone that smokes just a pack a day can spend well over a thousand dollars a year on cigarettes, and in some countries it will be even more than that. These reasons to quit smoking are nothing to ignore either; that money can really add up after years and years of smoking and of course it could be put to better use. Not only could you be spending it on something more worthwhile than cigarettes but you could also be saving it for retirement or something else. If the financial reasons to quit smoking haven’t convinced you yet, do some simple math. Multiply the price of a pack of cigarettes by how much you smoke every day, every week, and every year. Take a good look at those amounts and consider what else you could be doing with that money. If you’re up to some additional math, use a calculator to see how much interest that money could be earning in a savings account or other investment. Those amounts should be very good reasons to quit smoking for anyone! You could probably afford to pay down your mortgage or pay your car off early, or use it for your retirement account or college fund. Yes, there are many very good reasons to quit smoking – and no reasons why you should continue to smoke!

Copyright @ StopSmokingCure.com

Filed under Quit Smoking

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