March 30, 2010

Important Information About Quitting Smoking and Weight Gain

If you’re thinking about quitting smoking, weight gain may be something that is also on your mind. Many people that have given up cigarettes have found themselves with lots of extra weight and they often feel helpless against it. Some who are considering becoming nonsmokers get so worried about putting on that weight that they actually continue smoking, thinking that anything is better than carrying a few extra pounds! But in reality quitting smoking and weight gain don’t need to go hand in hand, and you can actually avoid that excess weight if you keep a few important things in mind.

One thing to remember is that when you stop smoking, your hands become somewhat nervous and you may have the urge to chew on something. When quitting smoking, weight gain often happens because people fulfill these urges with junk food, salty foods, sugary foods, and so-called comfort foods that are usually loaded with fat and calories. It’s a good idea instead to plan on healthier food choices and to load up your refrigerator and pantry. This might include fresh fruit and vegetables with some hummus or dressing for dipping, low-fat crackers and cheese, and low-fat popcorn. These will help when quitting smoking; weight gain is less likely to be an issue when you choose healthier foods for those cravings and jitters. You might also find that this is the one time in your life when you actually eat healthy!

It also helps to drink lots of water and other fluids. Water will help to flush out the nicotine from your body which in turn can help to curb cravings. When you drink water when quitting smoking, weight gain is also lessened since water fills you up so you’ll want to eat less. When the nicotine is being flushed from your body and you feel full, you’ll be able to stop smoking without worrying so much about weight gain.

Another thing to remember about quitting smoking and weight gain is that regular exercise helps tremendously. When you exercise you’re more likely to sweat more which will also flush out the nicotine and toxins from your system. Exercise will also mean you’re less likely to gain weight since you’re burning calories. And it will keep you from sitting in front of the television, munching away on junk food! So there are many things you can do about quitting smoking and weight gain. Of course all these methods will mean some planning and preparation on your part, and the determination to keep going even when you don’t feel like it. Quitting smoking is not easy by any means, and thinking that it will be is a mistake. When the difficult times hit, this is when quitting smoking and weight gain are at risk. The cravings kick in and a person will either reach for a cigarette or for a salty, fattening snack. But if you plan on those cravings and employ these tips, you will be successful.

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