March 23, 2010

Important Methods to Quit Smoking

Many people believe that to quit smoking, they need to go “cold turkey,” that is, they just quit and never smoke again. This is one of the most popular methods to quit smoking, but it isn’t the only one. Many people have found great success by going cold turkey, but others have found it to be very difficult if not even impossible. Thankfully there are products available on the market and other things a smoker can do to give up cigarettes. And even if you do decide to go “cold turkey,” there are things you can do to help yourself along the way. So what are these other methods to quit smoking, and how can you be sure you’re going to be successful?

Natural methods to quit smoking include things such as Epsom salt baths; the salt is said to draw the tar and nicotine out of the body through the skin. Many who try these baths report that the bath water smells very smoky when they get out, no doubt a sign of the nicotine and tar being drawn out of the body. Other methods to quit smoking that draw these impurities from the body include exercising and physical activity that makes you sweat, or soaking in a sauna or hot tub. These activities also pull impurities from the body through the pores of the skin. When you get nicotine out of your system this way you’re less likely to have cravings, which can help with smoking cessation. What are some other methods to quit smoking?

Some recommend acupuncture, although there is controversy surrounding this practice. Some believe that it really doesn’t do anything whereas others believe it stimulates the nerves and blood circulation. While this isn’t exactly one of the most common or popular methods to quit smoking, some who have tried it report greater success. The same can be said of hypnosis; there is still controversy and dissent over the practice but some people do report success with it. And if these methods to quit smoking are just using the power of suggestion, what’s wrong with that? If it helps someone to increase their willpower and their chances to quit smoking, why fight that? Of course only you can make the decision about whether or not these things are appropriate for you, so some research might be in order. Always make sure you’re using a licensed practitioner when making your choice so you’re protected. And no matter the methods to quit smoking you choose, remember that you’ll need to do your part as well. This means getting rid of all your cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters so that you don’t feel tempted to light up. It also means getting up and getting active so that you’re not just sitting around being bored. All of these methods to quit smoking won’t be successful if you’re just sitting in front of the television, thinking about cigarettes and letting your hands be idle and fidgety, so do your part as well.

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