March 20, 2010

The Best Way to Quit Smoking

Just what is the best way to quit smoking? It’s a good question to ask because many people try different methods of quitting smoking and while some are successful, others fail in their attempts. Of course there are many factors involved when it comes to smoking cessation, but very often the problem is that the smoker has not chosen the best way to quit smoking, at least not the one that’s best for him or her! Let’s take a look at various methods to quit smoking and see if you can decide which is right for you.

Many think that cold turkey, or just stopping smoking, is the best way to quit smoking. This can be an effective method if you prepare for it. Thinking that you’ll just be able to toss away cigarettes and walk away from them because you’ve decided to might be a bit shortsighted. Those cravings can be overwhelming! Usually it’s best to consider what you can do to curb those cravings and to keep yourself busy to stave them off when they happen. While the cold turkey method may be the best way to quit smoking for some, others will find it’s good to pick a physical hobby they can indulge in regularly to get their mind off of smoking. Join a sports league of some sort, or buy a membership to a gym. Talk to your friends and family about support for when you need to keep busy. Make plans to see a movie or to go to an arcade. Start a hobby that will keep you busy and occupied; take a class to make it interesting. This might include pottery or woodworking or painting. Anything to keep your hands busy and your mind occupied! Cold turkey can be the best way to quit smoking but only if you plan ahead and prepare for complications.

There are other methods of smoking cessation, including nicotine replacement patches and gum, hypnosis, and even acupuncture. There are also homeopathic remedies to help with smoking cessation. Which is the best way to quit smoking? That’s going to depend upon you and your lifestyle and commitment to the process of smoking cessation. Nicotine replacement works well for those who need to gradually step down from smoking and who need time to ease themselves into the change. Others find that homeopathic remedies are the best way to quit smoking because they usually accelerate the process of flushing out nicotine and other toxins from the system. This can meaner fewer cravings and those cravings going away sooner. Of course, Epsom salt baths and drinking lots of water can also help.

The best way to quit smoking is actually going to be whatever way suits you best. If that’s cold turkey or hypnosis or something else, then it’s the best as long as it works. You can also combine many of these methods, using nicotine replacement and hypnosis together as an example, to help you stop smoking sooner.

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Filed under Quit Smoking

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August 30, 2010

chris johnson @ 5:42 am

I went to this site thinking I was going to see some ideas and all I have found is ideas that cost money.I even had a pop up box 5 reasons why you need to stop smoking now and that led me to a money sceem but I was stupid enough to give my adress but I beleived it was the only way to get to the next step which got me here and again I could click on a site and that will bring me to another site and so on and on and if I live long enough I’ll make it back to this exact page,someday. I have not seen any ideas.

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