March 25, 2010

You Can Quit Smoking Cigarettes!

Are you ready to quit smoking cigarettes? A lot of smokers regret ever having started smoking because of course it’s so very difficult to quit. Nicotine is very addictive, to some more so than illegal drugs, and cigarettes are a very difficult habit to break. The mouth and the hands get very used to the mechanics of smoking and some people find themselves lighting up even if they weren’t necessarily craving a cigarette at the moment. But as difficult as it may be to quit smoking cigarettes, it can be done. Many former smokers can attest to the fact that it does get easier over time to go without cigarettes and that stopping was probably the best decision they ever made.

So how can you quit smoking cigarettes? Is there some type of magic pill you can take to just shut down your cravings and make you forget about smoking? Unfortunately it’s not quite that easy, but you can make the process easier by following a few simple tips and tricks.

First, to help you quit smoking cigarettes be prepared to be physically active or at least up and out of the house on a regular basis. If you just sit in front of the television you’re naturally going to start craving cigarettes just to relieve your boredom. To help you quit smoking cigarettes, consider joining a league of some sort such as bowling or softball. Sign up to do volunteer work through your religious organization, or go online to find groups in your area that need help. Take a class that you might enjoy even if it’s not something particularly useful, such as pottery, painting, flower arranging, or carpentry. You can’t quit smoking cigarettes if you’re just trapped in the house with nothing to do, but of course activities aren’t always going to present themselves on their own. You need to make some plans and then follow through with those plans.

Second, to help you quit smoking cigarettes you need to consider addressing the physical cravings you’re going to have. Fill your refrigerator and pantry with healthy items on which you can snack, including fruits and vegetables and low-fat cheese. Your mouth will miss that cigarette so get some gum and sugarless lollipops to keep it occupied and to keep it distracted. Some find that very strong mints also help as cigarettes tend to dull the taste buds, so really strong mints or even cough drops can keep your tongue happy and your taste buds stimulated. Invest in these as an aid to quit smoking cigarettes and keep them with you at all times.

To really make the process that much easier, combine these methods to quit smoking cigarettes. Don’t rely on just one to get you through. You can try the cold turkey method but if you keep yourself busy every day and night this is going to help tremendously. You also need to prepare for those cravings and how your body feels physically as you go through the withdrawal of nicotine.

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Filed under Quit Smoking

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