March 26, 2010

You Can Quit Smoking for Good!

Does that sound like an impossible thought to you, that you can quit smoking for good? Unfortunately for some smokers, it does seem like an impossibility as they’ve tried quitting several times only to go back to cigarettes again and again. It seems like many can quit smoking – for an hour, a day, or even a few days, but the idea of being able to quit smoking for good is where the real challenge lies. So how can you do it? How do some manage this challenge and become nonsmokers permanently? Let’s take a look at what they might be doing that you’re missing.

For one thing, if you want to quit smoking for good you need to leave yourself no way out. This means getting rid of your cigarettes, lighters, matches, and ashtrays. Many people leave themselves an “emergency stash” somewhere but this can just encourage you to slip up. If you want to quit smoking for good, tell yourself that there’s no reason to have those things. A nonsmoker doesn’t keep those things in the house “just in case,” and since you’re now a nonsmoker, you don’t need them there either. Make up your mind that you’re done smoking, and that’s it.

Another thing you can do in order to quit smoking for good is to give your home a fresh start. Wash everything you own so you can get the smell of cigarettes out of your clothes and linens. Get your carpets steam cleaned. Wash down all your furniture and inside windows of your home. Do the same for your car as it can often hold the smell of smoke. You probably can’t quit smoking for good if you smell smoke every time you get into your car or walk in your front door. That smell can make you crave cigarettes. Try an Epsom salt bath to get the tar and nicotine out of your system and to thoroughly cleanse your skin as well. Get your teeth professionally cleaned. If you do all these things, you’ll have more of a chance to quit smoking for good since the lingering smell of smoke will be gone.

Making some changes to your life and your habits might also be in order to quit smoking for good. You may need to give up bowling if being in the bowling alley makes you crave cigarettes. You and your friends may need to find a new hangout if your favorite bar is too smoky. It also helps to pick up new habits to keep yourself busy. Buy a bike and go riding. Learn a new hobby that will keep your hands busy. You can and should also talk to friends and family about your plans to quit smoking for good. They can give you support when you feel edgy and fidgety, and can also avoid smoking around you or offering you cigarettes. All of these can help you to become a nonsmoker for the rest of your life.

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