March 28, 2010

You Can Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight!

Do you think it’s possible to quit smoking without gaining weight? Many people don’t since weight gain seems to be inevitable when someone quits smoking. You may even know people that quit smoking and put on several extra pounds, with various rates of success in then losing those pounds. Being overweight can be a frightening prospect to some who may even use that as a reason to keep smoking. But it is possible to quit smoking without gaining weight, if you follow a few steps to keep those extra pounds at bay. Yes, it will take some work and preparation but it’s well worth it if you can become a nonsmoker and stay at a healthy weight at the same time.

First, to quit smoking without gaining weight you do need to prepare for the cravings and physical reaction that come with nicotine withdrawal. Don’t think you can just tough it out; instead, plan on having healthy snacks available to you during this time. Stock up on fresh or dried fruit, crunchy vegetables and dips like ranch dressing or hummus, baked crackers, low-fat cheese, and items with which you can make salads. You might find that you can not only quit smoking without gaining weight but that this is the first time in your life when you eat healthy! Avoid filling up on salty foods, sugary treats, and anything else that might be considered junk foods. Consider too how you can control your calories and portions with your meals during this time so that your overall calories are at healthy levels. To quit smoking without gaining weight, plan on foregoing drive-through restaurants and instead pack your lunch and prepare your dinner. Do some research on quick and easy recipes that are also healthy so that you don’t get overwhelmed at this time. It might take some extra planning on your part but once you get the hang of certain recipes and meal preparation tips, you might find you actually enjoy eating better rather than filling up on junk.

Exercise is also important to quit smoking without gaining weight. Being physically active also means getting out of the house so you’re not thinking about cigarettes and smoking. This doesn’t need to be overwhelming, but can include bike riding, walking the dog, going bowling, and activities such as this. By being active you’re burning calories but you’re also keeping yourself busy, and the sweat that activity produces also helps to flush toxins such as nicotine out of the system as well. Consider joining a gym or an exercise class to help you quit smoking without gaining weight. Activities such as yoga or meditation can also to take your mind off of cigarettes and can increase your blood circulation as well.

You can quit smoking without gaining weight if you make plans in advance and are determined to follow through with those plans. It means extra effort on your part, but in the end it will all be worth it!

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