Quit Smoking

March 28, 2010

You Can Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight!

Do you think it’s possible to quit smoking without gaining weight? Many people don’t since weight gain seems to be inevitable when someone quits smoking. You may even know people that quit smoking and put on several extra pounds, with various rates of success in then losing those pounds. Being overweight can be a frightening prospect to some who may even use that as a reason to keep smoking. But it is possible to quit smoking without gaining weight, if you follow a few steps to keep those extra pounds at bay. Yes, it will take some work and preparation but it’s well worth it if you can become a nonsmoker and stay at a healthy weight at the same time.

First, to quit smoking without gaining weight you do need to prepare for the cravings and physical reaction that come with nicotine withdrawal. Don’t think you can just tough it out; instead, plan on having healthy snacks available to you during this time. Stock up on fresh or dried fruit, crunchy vegetables and dips like ranch dressing or hummus, baked crackers, low-fat cheese, and items with which you can make salads. You might find that you can not only quit smoking without gaining weight but that this is the first time in your life when you eat healthy! Avoid filling up on salty foods, sugary treats, and anything else that might be considered junk foods. Consider too how you can control your calories and portions with your meals during this time so that your overall calories are at healthy levels. To quit smoking without gaining weight, plan on foregoing drive-through restaurants and instead pack your lunch and prepare your dinner. Do some research on quick and easy recipes that are also healthy so that you don’t get overwhelmed at this time. It might take some extra planning on your part but once you get the hang of certain recipes and meal preparation tips, you might find you actually enjoy eating better rather than filling up on junk.

Exercise is also important to quit smoking without gaining weight. Being physically active also means getting out of the house so you’re not thinking about cigarettes and smoking. This doesn’t need to be overwhelming, but can include bike riding, walking the dog, going bowling, and activities such as this. By being active you’re burning calories but you’re also keeping yourself busy, and the sweat that activity produces also helps to flush toxins such as nicotine out of the system as well. Consider joining a gym or an exercise class to help you quit smoking without gaining weight. Activities such as yoga or meditation can also to take your mind off of cigarettes and can increase your blood circulation as well.

You can quit smoking without gaining weight if you make plans in advance and are determined to follow through with those plans. It means extra effort on your part, but in the end it will all be worth it!

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March 27, 2010

Explore These Other Quit Smoking Methods

Just about everyone knows of the “cold turkey” method to quit smoking, when a smoker just stops smoking and deals with the cravings and uneasiness on their own. While this method can be successful for some, there are other quit smoking methods that you might want to consider as well, if for nothing than to help you when you do try to go cold turkey.

One of these quit smoking methods is hypnosis. Many today shun hypnosis as nothing but useless hocus pocus, and many have a lot of misconceptions about the practice. They’re afraid of the hypnotist making them do something embarrassing or they’re uneasy with the idea of being that vulnerable. But when it comes to quit smoking methods, very often the power of suggestion is more useful than anything else and this is where hypnosis comes into play. A real hypnotist is nothing like what you see on entertainment programs but is someone that can help your mind to relax and focus. Their methods can also use the power of suggestion to make you really believe that you no longer crave cigarettes and that you’re strong enough to give them up for good. As with other quit smoking methods, the success rate varies but many reason that since it can’t hurt, why not give it a try?

Other quit smoking methods include acupuncture and homeopathic remedies to flush out nicotine from the system. Acupuncture is much like hypnosis – there is controversy regarding its usefulness and a lot of misconceptions about it as well. Some believe that acupuncture merely increases blood circulation in certain areas, but increased blood circulation has a healing effect on many parts of the body and also flushes out toxins from the system. Using quit smoking methods that flush out toxins from the system can help a person become a nonsmoker because the sooner that nicotine is out of the body, the sooner one’s cravings stop. These types of quit smoking methods can be effective if they’re used in conjunction with going cold turkey as they can help get tar and nicotine out of the body, can relax and focus your mind, and can make you feel more determined than ever to quit.

Of course all these other quit smoking methods need to be used in conjunction with common sense practices as well. Many who are trying to quit smoking are told to get rid of their cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters and matches so they don’t feel tempted to light up again. Getting out of the house and keeping busy is also imperative no matter which of these quit smoking methods you use. If you just sit in front of the television all day or all night, you’ll get fidgety and bored and may obsess about lighting up. There are no methods to quitting that work like magic and they all take determination and willpower, but they can be successful if the smoker decides that he’s going to see his decision through.

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March 26, 2010

You Can Quit Smoking for Good!

Does that sound like an impossible thought to you, that you can quit smoking for good? Unfortunately for some smokers, it does seem like an impossibility as they’ve tried quitting several times only to go back to cigarettes again and again. It seems like many can quit smoking – for an hour, a day, or even a few days, but the idea of being able to quit smoking for good is where the real challenge lies. So how can you do it? How do some manage this challenge and become nonsmokers permanently? Let’s take a look at what they might be doing that you’re missing.

For one thing, if you want to quit smoking for good you need to leave yourself no way out. This means getting rid of your cigarettes, lighters, matches, and ashtrays. Many people leave themselves an “emergency stash” somewhere but this can just encourage you to slip up. If you want to quit smoking for good, tell yourself that there’s no reason to have those things. A nonsmoker doesn’t keep those things in the house “just in case,” and since you’re now a nonsmoker, you don’t need them there either. Make up your mind that you’re done smoking, and that’s it.

Another thing you can do in order to quit smoking for good is to give your home a fresh start. Wash everything you own so you can get the smell of cigarettes out of your clothes and linens. Get your carpets steam cleaned. Wash down all your furniture and inside windows of your home. Do the same for your car as it can often hold the smell of smoke. You probably can’t quit smoking for good if you smell smoke every time you get into your car or walk in your front door. That smell can make you crave cigarettes. Try an Epsom salt bath to get the tar and nicotine out of your system and to thoroughly cleanse your skin as well. Get your teeth professionally cleaned. If you do all these things, you’ll have more of a chance to quit smoking for good since the lingering smell of smoke will be gone.

Making some changes to your life and your habits might also be in order to quit smoking for good. You may need to give up bowling if being in the bowling alley makes you crave cigarettes. You and your friends may need to find a new hangout if your favorite bar is too smoky. It also helps to pick up new habits to keep yourself busy. Buy a bike and go riding. Learn a new hobby that will keep your hands busy. You can and should also talk to friends and family about your plans to quit smoking for good. They can give you support when you feel edgy and fidgety, and can also avoid smoking around you or offering you cigarettes. All of these can help you to become a nonsmoker for the rest of your life.

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March 25, 2010

You Can Quit Smoking Cigarettes!

Are you ready to quit smoking cigarettes? A lot of smokers regret ever having started smoking because of course it’s so very difficult to quit. Nicotine is very addictive, to some more so than illegal drugs, and cigarettes are a very difficult habit to break. The mouth and the hands get very used to the mechanics of smoking and some people find themselves lighting up even if they weren’t necessarily craving a cigarette at the moment. But as difficult as it may be to quit smoking cigarettes, it can be done. Many former smokers can attest to the fact that it does get easier over time to go without cigarettes and that stopping was probably the best decision they ever made.

So how can you quit smoking cigarettes? Is there some type of magic pill you can take to just shut down your cravings and make you forget about smoking? Unfortunately it’s not quite that easy, but you can make the process easier by following a few simple tips and tricks.

First, to help you quit smoking cigarettes be prepared to be physically active or at least up and out of the house on a regular basis. If you just sit in front of the television you’re naturally going to start craving cigarettes just to relieve your boredom. To help you quit smoking cigarettes, consider joining a league of some sort such as bowling or softball. Sign up to do volunteer work through your religious organization, or go online to find groups in your area that need help. Take a class that you might enjoy even if it’s not something particularly useful, such as pottery, painting, flower arranging, or carpentry. You can’t quit smoking cigarettes if you’re just trapped in the house with nothing to do, but of course activities aren’t always going to present themselves on their own. You need to make some plans and then follow through with those plans.

Second, to help you quit smoking cigarettes you need to consider addressing the physical cravings you’re going to have. Fill your refrigerator and pantry with healthy items on which you can snack, including fruits and vegetables and low-fat cheese. Your mouth will miss that cigarette so get some gum and sugarless lollipops to keep it occupied and to keep it distracted. Some find that very strong mints also help as cigarettes tend to dull the taste buds, so really strong mints or even cough drops can keep your tongue happy and your taste buds stimulated. Invest in these as an aid to quit smoking cigarettes and keep them with you at all times.

To really make the process that much easier, combine these methods to quit smoking cigarettes. Don’t rely on just one to get you through. You can try the cold turkey method but if you keep yourself busy every day and night this is going to help tremendously. You also need to prepare for those cravings and how your body feels physically as you go through the withdrawal of nicotine.

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March 24, 2010

Some Natural Ways to Quit Smoking

If you’re not interested in taking pills or harsh chemicals to help you quit smoking, you’re in luck. Many people have been helped greatly by nicotine replacement therapies and other such treatment options, but there are many natural ways to quit smoking as well. People have been able to stop smoking for decades, long before doctors were prescribing harsh pills or these methods were ever available at the local pharmacies. Yes, these natural ways to quit smoking will still require some willpower and determination but they can help anyone tremendously if they’re serious about no longer smoking. So if that sounds like you, let’s take a look at some of these natural ways to quit smoking.

First, going “cold turkey” or just stopping smoking is one of the most commonly used natural ways to quit smoking. However people who try it often run into problems because they go about it the wrong way, or don’t prepare the way they really should. For example, when a person quits cold turkey they often have strong cravings especially when they’re idle and unoccupied. They may turn to food to satisfy their cravings and so experience weight gain, which can be depressing. This might make them reach for a cigarette, just to cheer themselves up. Although going cold turkey is one of the best natural ways to quit smoking, preparation and planning can make it go a lot easier. Try to have some good food in the house that you can use when you do get those cravings. This might include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole wheat crackers, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, and lean lunch meats. Working with those natural ways to quit smoking is best rather than thinking that you’ll just “tough it out” and face your cravings and urges on your own.

Believe it or not, exercise and physical activity are also natural ways to quit smoking. Exercise causes you to sweat and nicotine, tar, and other toxins are released from the body when you sweat. Physical activity also increases your heart rate, and this increase in blood circulation means that these toxins are being filtered out of your body more rapidly. This detoxification process is one of the most effective natural ways to quit smoking. When nicotine is still in your system you’re going to get cravings for more nicotine, so washing it out or filtering it out is going to help you calm those cravings much quicker. Epsom salt baths are also great as natural ways to quit smoking. The salt also works to pull nicotine, tar, and other substances from the body through the skin. Some people notice after getting out of an Epsom salt bath that the water itself smells of smoke. This is due to those elements being pulled from your system. Try these natural ways to quit smoking and remember to combine as many as possible as well; the more you try, the more successful you’ll be with becoming a permanent nonsmoker!

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March 23, 2010

Important Methods to Quit Smoking

Many people believe that to quit smoking, they need to go “cold turkey,” that is, they just quit and never smoke again. This is one of the most popular methods to quit smoking, but it isn’t the only one. Many people have found great success by going cold turkey, but others have found it to be very difficult if not even impossible. Thankfully there are products available on the market and other things a smoker can do to give up cigarettes. And even if you do decide to go “cold turkey,” there are things you can do to help yourself along the way. So what are these other methods to quit smoking, and how can you be sure you’re going to be successful?

Natural methods to quit smoking include things such as Epsom salt baths; the salt is said to draw the tar and nicotine out of the body through the skin. Many who try these baths report that the bath water smells very smoky when they get out, no doubt a sign of the nicotine and tar being drawn out of the body. Other methods to quit smoking that draw these impurities from the body include exercising and physical activity that makes you sweat, or soaking in a sauna or hot tub. These activities also pull impurities from the body through the pores of the skin. When you get nicotine out of your system this way you’re less likely to have cravings, which can help with smoking cessation. What are some other methods to quit smoking?

Some recommend acupuncture, although there is controversy surrounding this practice. Some believe that it really doesn’t do anything whereas others believe it stimulates the nerves and blood circulation. While this isn’t exactly one of the most common or popular methods to quit smoking, some who have tried it report greater success. The same can be said of hypnosis; there is still controversy and dissent over the practice but some people do report success with it. And if these methods to quit smoking are just using the power of suggestion, what’s wrong with that? If it helps someone to increase their willpower and their chances to quit smoking, why fight that? Of course only you can make the decision about whether or not these things are appropriate for you, so some research might be in order. Always make sure you’re using a licensed practitioner when making your choice so you’re protected. And no matter the methods to quit smoking you choose, remember that you’ll need to do your part as well. This means getting rid of all your cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters so that you don’t feel tempted to light up. It also means getting up and getting active so that you’re not just sitting around being bored. All of these methods to quit smoking won’t be successful if you’re just sitting in front of the television, thinking about cigarettes and letting your hands be idle and fidgety, so do your part as well.

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March 22, 2010

Where and How to Get Help Quitting Smoking

If you’re looking to get help quitting smoking, you’re certainly not alone. Smoking is one of the most difficult habits to break; some former drug users have stated that cigarettes are even more difficult to give up than cocaine or marijuana! This doesn’t mean that you can’t do it alone. There are those who have quit “cold turkey” and who have been successful with no longer smoking, but there’s also nothing wrong with getting some help quitting smoking. But what type of help is available and how do you go about getting it? Let’s look at this subject a bit closer.

Your doctor can actually do a lot of good when it comes to help quitting smoking. He or she can prescribe all sorts of aid that can help, and can also address your personal issues that come in the way of you being a nonsmoker. For example if you’re very out of shape your doctor can encourage you to exercise since this helps rid your body of nicotine and other toxins that create cravings. You might not think of exercise as being much of a help quitting smoking, but exercise helps to detoxify your body of all poisons including nicotine, tar, and other additives in a cigarette. These things get released through your sweat, and the increase blood circulation that happens with sweating also means that these toxins are being filtered through your lungs and liver as well. This can speed up the process of getting these things out of your body which is a great help quitting smoking.

Your local pharmacy can also help quitting smoking. Nicotine patches and gum can cut down on cravings since your body gets a small dose of nicotine. Some also believe that these things use the power of suggestion as well – if you believe a nicotine patch will help you to stop, then you may have stronger willpower just by believing that. Chewing gum also helps to keep your mouth moving which can cut down on cravings you might have. Don’t discount the help quitting smoking these products can offer. Even if they do just use the power of suggestion, this can help more than nothing. Read their labels thoroughly and make sure you’re not using too many product or are misusing them before making your decision.

You can also get help quitting smoking online. Many support groups have sprung up on the internet to give encouragement for those that are trying to quit. These groups can share their own experiences and can also answer questions anyone might have. If you’re concerned about weight gain, aren’t sure how to conquer cravings, or wonder if you’re on track, those on the forums can comment. Knowing that others are going through the same thing can also help quitting smoking. You may feel less overwhelmed with your struggles. You can also find practical advice for your particular situation, such as facing old friends who smoke or anything else.

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March 21, 2010

Some of the Best Ways to Quit Smoking

If you’re confused about the best ways to quit smoking, you’re probably not alone. There are many smoking aids and stop smoking products out there, available from the pharmacy and your doctor as well. It’s easy to be confused about which ones work and which are a waste of money. You also don’t want to do anything damaging to your body as you try to quit, which is a worry about nicotine replacement therapies such as patches and gums. You might also be getting conflicting advice about the best ways to quit smoking; you may have heard of a friend that quit “cold turkey” and was successful whereas someone else you know talks about what a nightmare the entire process was.

So how can you tell the best ways to quit smoking from the ones that are just a waste of time and money? There are some things to think about when trying to decide.

For one thing, remember that the best ways to quit smoking are the ones that work for you, not the ones that work for someone else. That friend who quit cold turkey may have stronger willpower or may have a busier life than you so they’re not as likely to sit around and be bored. The busier you are, the less likely you are to have cravings. They may also be doing things that get the nicotine out of their system faster, such as exercising or using Epsom salt baths. Others find that the best ways to quit smoking might include some stop smoking aids such as nicotine patches or gum. Or they step down their own smoking, going from a pack a day to a half a pack, then just three cigarettes a day, then two, and so on. They may allow themselves some time in between these adjustments to get used to fewer cigarettes, such as three weeks or a month on their new schedule, and then they reduce their smoking even more, and so on. For people like this, these are the best ways to quit smoking because they can gradually wean themselves off of the cigarettes while not having to fight their cravings completely with the cold turkey method.

You need to consider your own lifestyle when thinking of the best ways to quit smoking. How busy are you? What things do you do in the evening when you have free time on your hands? If you’re always idle and just sit in front of the television, quitting smoking might be difficult. You might want to consider introducing some new habits into your life now so that the transition is easier. You could also consider talking to your doctor about the best ways to quit smoking for you. He or she can recommend something in particular for you and may also be able to point you in the direction of a good support group to help you through the entire process as you quit smoking.

Copyright @ StopSmokingCure.com

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March 20, 2010

The Best Way to Quit Smoking

Just what is the best way to quit smoking? It’s a good question to ask because many people try different methods of quitting smoking and while some are successful, others fail in their attempts. Of course there are many factors involved when it comes to smoking cessation, but very often the problem is that the smoker has not chosen the best way to quit smoking, at least not the one that’s best for him or her! Let’s take a look at various methods to quit smoking and see if you can decide which is right for you.

Many think that cold turkey, or just stopping smoking, is the best way to quit smoking. This can be an effective method if you prepare for it. Thinking that you’ll just be able to toss away cigarettes and walk away from them because you’ve decided to might be a bit shortsighted. Those cravings can be overwhelming! Usually it’s best to consider what you can do to curb those cravings and to keep yourself busy to stave them off when they happen. While the cold turkey method may be the best way to quit smoking for some, others will find it’s good to pick a physical hobby they can indulge in regularly to get their mind off of smoking. Join a sports league of some sort, or buy a membership to a gym. Talk to your friends and family about support for when you need to keep busy. Make plans to see a movie or to go to an arcade. Start a hobby that will keep you busy and occupied; take a class to make it interesting. This might include pottery or woodworking or painting. Anything to keep your hands busy and your mind occupied! Cold turkey can be the best way to quit smoking but only if you plan ahead and prepare for complications.

There are other methods of smoking cessation, including nicotine replacement patches and gum, hypnosis, and even acupuncture. There are also homeopathic remedies to help with smoking cessation. Which is the best way to quit smoking? That’s going to depend upon you and your lifestyle and commitment to the process of smoking cessation. Nicotine replacement works well for those who need to gradually step down from smoking and who need time to ease themselves into the change. Others find that homeopathic remedies are the best way to quit smoking because they usually accelerate the process of flushing out nicotine and other toxins from the system. This can meaner fewer cravings and those cravings going away sooner. Of course, Epsom salt baths and drinking lots of water can also help.

The best way to quit smoking is actually going to be whatever way suits you best. If that’s cold turkey or hypnosis or something else, then it’s the best as long as it works. You can also combine many of these methods, using nicotine replacement and hypnosis together as an example, to help you stop smoking sooner.

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March 19, 2010

Are There Benefits to Quitting Smoking?

Are there any benefits to quitting smoking? It’s almost a silly question because there are actually so many they can hardly be listed, at least not briefly. Those benefits touch on your health, your finances, the health of those around you, and so many other areas. Apart from these major benefits to quitting smoking, there are also minor considerations such as being able to taste food again, being without nicotine stains on the fingers and teeth, not having the smell of smoke permeating everything you own, and so much more.

Another interesting factor about the benefits to quitting smoking when it comes to one’s health is that the body is able to heal itself quite well and quite rapidly. This means that when you quit smoking, you actually give your body a chance to repair and renew those damaged cells. Nicotine, tar, and other toxins can be flushed out and removed from the body, but only if you’re not introducing new toxins at the same time. These benefits to quitting smoking are compounded the earlier you quit so that the body can work to repair and renew itself while it still can.

There are numerous health risks associated with smoking; many are aware of the risk of lung cancer but actually smoking is connected to virtually every form of cancer there is. This includes breast cancer, leukemia, cancer of the kidneys, gallbladder, bladder, throat, and other places in the body. The benefits to quitting smoking include less risk of these cancers. And apart from cancer itself, smoking is connected with a host of lung disorders including bronchitis, emphysema, and pneumonia, as well as heart disease, heart attacks, stroke, aneurysm, and elevated blood pressure. All of these are due to the fact that nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream very easily and from there it’s transported to every cell of the body. The benefits to quitting smoking include less risk of all these conditions, but again, this will only happen if you actually quit smoking.

There are many financial benefits to quitting smoking as well. An average smoker spends well over a thousand dollars per year on cigarettes alone. You can do the math for your own smoking habit and total up how much you spend every week, every month, and every year. Consider what could be done with that money that’s more beneficial, such as paying down your mortgage or paying off your car, or saving it for retirement or another reason. Do a spreadsheet or some simple calculations on how that money could help you with your other bills or what it could mean if you put it away in a savings account. Really consider carefully those financial benefits to quitting smoking, as well as the health benefits. If you think about them seriously and have some numbers right in front of you, this might help you every time you feel tempted to give in and light up again after you’ve made the decision to become a nonsmoker.

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